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In order to maintain safety to all riders/handlers and horses, as well as maintain cleanliness throughout the stable and grounds, the following rules have been established and are subject to modification by management at any time.

Barn Hours: Sunday thru Saturday from 7:00am to 8:00pm.

Private Property: Our farm is closed to the public and is a private facility. Anyone who is not a current client and/or staff member are not allowed on the property without being accompanied by a current client or staff member.

Release and Waiver Required: Everyone entering the property must sign the Equine Activity Release, Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Hold Harmless Agreement. No exceptions!

Safety Rules:

➢ No boarder or guest may intentionally allow their horse to run loose on the property. Keep horses on a lead line at all times.

➢ Do not handle anyone’s horse(s) without express permission to do so.

➢ While in the parking areas, around the barn and tacking area, and when in the presence of others, especially children, horses must walk.

➢ No horse may be tied to a gate or fence. Only cross-ties, tie rings, and hitching posts may be used to tie horses. Never tie a horse by the bridle reins. Use proper halter and rope for tying. No horse is to be left tied unattended in its stall or cross-ties.

➢ Halters must be removed from horses in stalls and pastures.

➢ If you open a gate or door, CLOSE it behind you immediately!

➢ Do not climb or sit on gates or fences.

➢ No minor under the age of 16 shall be left unattended or unsupervised on the property.

➢ There is no riding in the barn. Please mount and dismount your horse in the arena or outside.

➢ No playing in or on the hay, feed or shavings.

NO SMOKING in or around the barns. If you need to smoke, please do so away from any/all buildings and dispose of all cigarette butts properly.

NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES in or around the barns when handling horses.

➢ When operating a motor vehicle on the property, never exceed 5mph and drive slowly and be careful.

Humane Treatment: Cruel and inhumane treatment to any animal on property will not be tolerated and may result in immediate termination of your Boarding Agreement or Facility Usage.

Appointments: Any appointments made by Border (i.e., lessons, farrier, vet, etc.) should be written on the Barn Calendar with the time. YOU must be present for appointments that YOU schedule.

Dogs: Dogs are not allowed on the property unless in an air conditioned vehicle or on a leash.

Parking: Please park in the designated parking area and in a manner that doesn’t interfere with anyone’s ability to move his/her vehicle or trailer.

❖ Guests: If you wish to have guests bring their horse to Stable to ride, you must first have approval from management and provide proof of negative Coggins and vaccination schedule for visiting horse(s). It is your responsibility to ensure your guest is aware of and follows the Barn Rules. No guest may handle or ride a horse unless they have signed the Equine Activity Release, Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Hold Harmless Agreement. Before any person is allowed to ride a horse which they do not own, a written permission slip from the horse’s owner must be delivered to management.

Arena Use: No loose horses shall be allowed in the arena while another horse is present with a rider. No feeding hay in the arena. Be considerate of those having lessons. You may share the large arena with them in a manner that doesn’t interfere with the lesson. Please clean up after your horse when done using the arena and make sure all lights are turned off.


➢ Tack may be stored in the designated shelves and saddle racks.

➢ Boarders are to keep the community tack room picked up and swept. ➢ Do not use anyone’s tack without explicit permission to do so.

➢ The Stable is NOT responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged articles.

Stalls/Pastures and Feed:

➢ Horses are to be kept in their designated stall or pasture.

➢ No switching of stall or pasture is allowed. If you take your horse out of its designated stall or pasture, please put it back in that same stall or pasture when you are done with it.

➢ Stable employees: are permitted to feed hay, grain and supplements ONLY.

➢ Owners: may feed treats they bring themselves but they are not allowed to feed the daily ration of hay or grain unless otherwise stated.

➢ Do NOT feed treats to any horse except your own.

Grounds: It is the duty of every boarder and guest to help keep the property free of litter, clean and organized. Clean up after using the cross-ties, hitching posts and wash racks. Sweep the barn isles if you or your horse tracks in dirt or manure. Any hoses, brooms, forks, or other equipment should be placed in its designated area. If you turn on a light or water hydrant, make sure you turn it off. Clean up after loading and/or unloading your horse and trailer. Deposit only manure and shavings in the manure pit. All other garbage goes in the designated garbage containers. No food or beverages are to be left in or near the barn.

Your cooperation in recognizing the importance of these rules, as well as adhering to them, is greatly appreciated. Failure to adhere to these rules or refusal to abide by these rules or any safety request made by management is grounds for immediate termination of your Boarding Agreement or Facility Usage.

These rules are subject to modification by management at any time. By Signing below you are acknowledging you have read the barn and safety rules and will adhere to them at all times when you are at The Meadows Equestrian Center LLC. Signature _____________________________________ Date:________________

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